About Nadi Astrology

Nadi Astrology is a traditional Indian way of using astrology that allows one to be aware of one’s present, past and the future. It is believed that thousands in the past, mighty Sages of Indian were able to see into the future and past of the entire universe. They documented the lives of every human being that either was alive, lived or was to be alive at some point in time. The discussions were recorded on palm leaves using the ancient Tamil script that is now only described by experts nadi astrologers.
Nadi in Tamil means “in search of”. When a person is to find his information in the Nadi, this system was referred to by the name. Palm leaf inscriptions are scattered across India. The palm-leaf inscriptions that are available within Tamilnadu were standardized and classified 1000 years ago during the time during the period of Cholas who ruled South India. There are numerous Nadis in existence named in honor of these sapthatrishis and the Siddhas, who wrote the identical. Only a handful of Nadi Astrologers in india that are all from the Valluvar family. They might be able to alter the inscriptions that are written in poetic language.